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Embarking on a journey to create the perfect Nitro cold brew coffee, you’ll be amazed by how simple it is to make this energizing beverage. Today, you’ll learn a tried-and-tested method that uses course-ground coffee beans, such as the San Francisco roast from Starbucks, easily obtainable from Costco. In addition, you will discover the right set of equipment to make the process a breeze.

Following an easy-to-understand approach to make Nitro cold brew coffee, the process entails layering a 5-gallon ale pale with filters and filling it with coffee grounds and water. In this tutorial, you will see how attention to detail, such as ensuring all the grounds are moist and securing the paper filter, is crucial in preventing mishaps and achieving the perfect brew. After preparing the coffee filter, patiently allowing the grounds to soak for 16-18 hours will ensure the best results in finalizing the brew.

Key Takeaways

  • Nitro cold brew coffee can be easily made with the right equipment and ingredients.
  • Choosing the right filters and following the process step by step is crucial for the perfect brew.
  • The steeping duration plays a key role in getting a rich and flavorsome cold brew coffee.

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Basics of Nitro Cold Brew

To make nitro cold brew coffee, you’ll need the following:

  • 4 lbs of coarse ground coffee (such as San Francisco roast from Costco)
  • A 5-gallon brewing bucket with a spigot
  • Nylon filter to insert in the bucket
  • 5-gallon paper filter (e.g., Toddy brand)
  • 2 gallons of cold water

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare the brewing bucket: Place the nylon filter inside the bucket, followed by the 5-gallon paper filter.
  2. Add the coffee grounds: Pour both gallons of coarse-ground coffee into the paper filter, ensuring no grounds escape the filter.
  3. Check the spigot: Confirm that the spigot is securely closed to prevent leaks when adding water.
  4. Fill with cold water: Use a spray nozzle to fill the bucket with cold water, saturating the coffee grounds. Fill the bucket halfway.
  5. Secure the filter: Use the string provided with the paper filter to securely tie off the top, sealing the coffee grounds inside.
  6. Finish filling: Fill the bucket with cold water, ensuring you don’t overfill or dislodge the filters.
  7. Let it steep: Allow the coffee to steep for 16 to 18 hours for optimal flavor extraction.

After the steeping time, you can drain the coffee from the spigot into a container or keg for storage and serving. Enjoy your nitro cold brew!

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Equipment Overview

Appropriate equipment is essential for quality and taste when crafting Nitro cold brew coffee. Below is a list of necessary items to brew the perfect batch:

  • San Francisco Roast coffee: 4 lbs of coarsely ground coffee, preferably from Costco.
  • Two 1-gallon containers: These measurements (or 2 gallons) of the San Francisco Roast coffee grounds are recommended.
  • 5-gallon brewing bucket: A bucket with a spigot, such as an ale pale from Brewers Best Kits, is ideal for draining the coffee.
  • Nylon filter: This filter should be placed within the brewing bucket to prevent large coffee chunks from escaping.
  • 5-gallon Toddy paper filter: This filter goes inside the nylon filter to hold the coffee grounds.
  • Cold water: Using cold water ensures that oils and other impurities don’t ruin the coffee.

You can create your Nitro cold brew coffee batch with the right equipment. Remember to use cold water when brewing and allow the mixture to sit for 16 to 18 hours before dispensing. Ensure proper filtration by securing the filters within the brewing bucket to avoid clogging the stout tap with coffee grounds.

Coffee Bean Selection

When brewing your Nitro cold brew coffee, selecting the right coffee beans is essential for achieving a tasty and energizing brew. For this specific process, the San Francisco roast from Starbucks works perfectly. Remember to purchase a sufficient quantity, about 4 lbs (equivalent to 2 gallons), which you can conveniently find at your nearby Costco store.

Grinding these beans in a coarse setting ensures no fine particles clog up your brewing equipment. Here is a quick overview of the necessary supplies and ingredients:

  • Coffee Beans: 4 lbs (2 gallons) of San Francisco roast from Starbucks
  • Grinding: Coarse setting for grinding the beans
  • Water: Cold water to preserve the optimal qualities of coffee

Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, you’ll need the right equipment to brew your Nitro cold brew coffee successfully. A 5-gallon brewing bucket with a spigot works best, and don’t forget to include a nylon filter inside the bucket with a paper filter inside of that. The nylon filter will catch any stray particles, while the paper filter holds your coffee grounds during brewing.

Lastly, when adding water, ensure it’s cold and use a spray nozzle to distribute the water throughout the grounds evenly. Let the mixture sit for 16 to 18 hours for the perfect infusion before transferring it to a keg. By carefully selecting your coffee beans and following these steps, you’ll have a delicious and energizing Nitro cold brew coffee to share with your colleagues or enjoy at home.

Grinding Instructions

To begin making Nitro cold brew coffee, you’ll need the following materials and ingredients:

  • 4 lbs of coarsely ground coffee (e.g., San Francisco roast from Costco)
  • 5-gallon brewing bucket with a spigot (e.g., ale pale from Brewer’s Best Kits)
  • Nylon filter
  • 5-gallon paper filter (e.g., Toddy)
  • String
  • 2 gallons of cold water

Follow these steps to create your Nitro cold brew coffee:

  1. Insert Filters: Place the nylon filter into the brewing bucket, followed by the 5-gallon paper filter. Ensure that the nylon filter overlaps the edges of the brewing bucket and that the paper filter is within the nylon filter to avoid coffee grounds from spilling out.
  2. Add Coffee Grounds: Pour the 4 lbs of coarsely ground coffee into the paper filter. Ensure you pin the edge of the paper filter while pouring to prevent any coffee grounds from escaping the filter.
  3. Check Spigot: Ensure the spigot on your brewing bucket is closed before adding water.
  4. Add Cold Water: Fill the brewing bucket halfway with cold water. Use a spray nozzle to ensure the water reaches the bottom grounds and mix them up. Be cautious not to spray the top edge of the paper filter while filling.
  5. Tie Filters: After filling the brewing bucket halfway, tie off the paper filter using the provided string. This action secures the coffee grounds and prevents them from escaping the filter.
  6. Finish Filling: Remove any excess string from the paper filter and fold the tied portion. Then, fill the brewing bucket with the remaining cold water until it reaches the top.
  7. Steep: Allow the coffee to steep for 16-18 hours for optimal flavor extraction.

With these grinding instructions, you’ll be on your way to brewing your Nitro cold brew coffee. Enjoy the energizing effects of your home-brewed coffee and share it with your friends or colleagues.

Preparing the Coffee Filter

To make Nitro cold brew coffee, follow these steps to prepare your coffee filter:

  1. Use a brewing bucket: Select a 5-gallon bucket with a spigot at the bottom. This will make it easier to drain the coffee later.
  2. Place a nylon filter inside the brewing bucket to help catch any unwanted coffee grounds.
  3. Add a 5-gallon paper filter inside the nylon filter, where you will pour your coffee grounds. A high-quality paper filter will ensure better filtration, preventing fine coffee grounds from ending up in your final brew.
  4. Weigh out 4 lbs (2 gallons) of coarse coffee grounds: Use coarse-ground coffee for the best results. High-quality coffee grounds are key to a great-tasting Nitro cold brew.
  5. Pour the coffee grounds into the paper filter: Be sure to secure the edges of the paper filter when pouring to prevent grounds from spilling outside the filter.
  6. Check that the spigot is closed: Before adding water, ensure the spigot at the bottom of the brewing bucket is closed to prevent any leakage.
  7. Fill the brewing bucket with cold water: Ensure your water is cold to avoid extracting unwanted oils from the coffee grounds. Using a sprayer can help distribute water more evenly throughout the coffee grounds.
  8. Tie off the paper filter securely: Once the bucket is filled with water, secure the paper filter to prevent coffee grounds from escaping during brewing.

Now that your coffee filter is properly prepared let the mixture sit for 16 to 18 hours before draining the coffee and enjoying your Nitro cold brew.

Layering the Coffee Grounds

Choose the San Francisco roast from Costco to create the perfect nitro cold brew coffee. Make sure to grind it coarsely and prepare 4 lbs of coffee grounds. This is equivalent to 2 gallons, so if you’re using a 1-gallon jug, you’ll need two of these.

Next, grab a 5-gallon brewing bucket, such as an ale pale with a spigot on it, to drain the coffee later. Inside this brewing bucket, place a nylon filter followed by a 5-gallon toddy paper filter. These filters will help keep the coffee grounds separate and avoid clogging up the stout tap.

Now, pour the 4 lbs (or 2 gallons) of coffee grounds into the paper filter within the brewing bucket. Ensure the filter edges remain pinned down to prevent accidental spillage of coffee grounds. Fill the paper filter with coffee grounds, then double-check that the spigot on the brewing bucket is closed.

Proceed by filling the bucket with cold water, which helps prevent oils from ruining the coffee. It’s best to use a spray function if available, as it helps the water penetrate deeper into the coffee grounds. Fill the bucket halfway, then tie off and seal the paper filter.

Finally, fill the rest of the brewing bucket with cold water. Let it sit for around 16 to 18 hours to ensure the flavors from the coffee grounds have been fully extracted. After this period, your nitro cold brew coffee will be ready to serve and enjoy!

Importance of Cold Water

When brewing your nitro cold brew coffee, it’s vital to use cold water for several reasons. First, cold water helps preserve the delicate flavors and aromas in the coffee, as it doesn’t extract the oils that hot water would. This results in a smoother and more enjoyable beverage.

Moreover, using cold water during brewing ensures that the coffee grounds are saturated evenly. This ultimately provides a more consistent flavor throughout the brewed coffee.

To achieve the perfect nitro cold brew, remember these key points:

  • Use cold water from the start of the brewing process
  • Allow the water to saturate the coffee grounds evenly
  • Cold water prevents unnecessary extraction of oils from the coffee grounds

These steps will help you create a delicious and well-balanced nitro cold brew coffee that you and your fellow coffee enthusiasts can enjoy.

Filling Process and Technique

To create delicious Nitro cold brew coffee, follow the simple steps outlined below:

  1. Prepare the equipment: Gather a 5-gallon brewing bucket, a nylon filter, a 5-gallon paper filter, a 1-gallon measuring container, cold water, and 4 lbs (around 2 gallons) of coarsely ground coffee beans—using the San Francisco roast from Costco is recommended.
  2. Layer the filters: Insert the nylon filter into the brewing bucket, ensuring it covers the interior sides fully. Next, place the paper filter inside the nylon filter.
  3. Add the coffee grounds: Pour two 1-gallon jugs (equaling 4 lbs) of coarsely ground coffee beans into the paper filter. Be mindful of keeping the edges of the paper filter secure to prevent the grounds from spilling outside the filter.
  4. Check the spigot: Before moving forward, ensure the brewing bucket’s spigot is closed to prevent water leakage during the filling process.
  5. Fill with cold water: Fill the bucket with cold water, using a spray nozzle to ensure the water reaches deep into the coffee grounds. Fill the bucket halfway initially, pausing as needed to ensure that all grounds are moistened.
  6. Secure the paper filter: Tie off the top of the paper filter with the provided string to prevent coffee grounds from escaping into the brewed coffee.
  7. Fill the bucket: Continue filling the brewing bucket with cold water until it is full.
  8. Allow brewing: Let the coffee sit for approximately 16-18 hours to fully extract the flavors and create a smooth, rich Nitro cold brew.

Sealing the Coffee Filters

To prepare a perfect Nitro cold brew coffee, it is essential to seal your filters properly. First, you’ll place a nylon filter into your brewing bucket, ensuring it covers the edges. This step prevents large coffee particles from escaping if the bag breaks.

Next, place a 5-gallon paper filter inside the nylon filter. The paper filter will hold the coffee grounds, ensuring they don’t clog the stout tap. When transferring the coffee grounds into the filter, pin the edge of the paper filter to keep the grounds within and avoid creating any mess.

After adding 4 lbs (approximately 2 gallons) of coffee grounds into the filter, ensure that nylon and paper filters are adequately layered. Before adding water, double-check that the bucket’s spigot is closed to prevent any water from leaking out during the process.

Fill the bucket with cold water, moistening all the coffee grounds. A high-pressure spray nozzle helps water reach deeper into the grounds and allows for even mixing. If you don’t have high pressure, fill the bucket part-way and gently stir without damaging the paper filter.

Once the water is in, securely tie off the paper filter, ensuring no grounds escape. You can utilize the string that comes with the Totdy filter to do this. After tying off the filter, fold the nylon filter over the paper filter. You can then add the remaining water to the container.

Brewing Duration

The brewing duration is crucial to craft the perfect Nitro cold brew coffee. You’ll want to let your coffee grounds steep for around 16 to 18 hours.

Start by preparing the coffee grounds. To ensure an effective brewing process, use 4 pounds (2 gallons) of San Francisco roast from Costco. Grind the coffee in a coarse setting. Prepare a 5-gallon brewing bucket with a spigot to simplify draining the coffee later.

Add a nylon filter into the bucket first to avoid letting coffee grounds into the final product. Then, place a 5-gallon paper filter inside the nylon one. Pour the 4 pounds of coffee grounds into the paper filter, securing the edges to keep the grounds inside.

Double-check that the spigot is closed, and fill the brewing bucket with cold water. Make sure the water is cold to prevent oils from ruining the coffee. It’s helpful to use a sprayer to get the water deep into the grounds. Once the bucket is full, tie off and seal the paper filter.

Fill the rest of the bucket and allow the coffee grounds to steep for the desired 16 to 18 hours. Remember that while brewing duration is important, personal taste may vary. Eventually, you’ll find the perfect brewing time for your Nitro cold brew coffee.

Finalizing the Brew

Once you’ve prepared your 4 lbs (2 gallons) of coarsely ground San Francisco roast coffee from Costco, it’s time to proceed with the nitro cold brew process. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Setup: Place a 5-gallon brewing bucket with a spigot on a steady surface. Place a nylon filter inside to catch any large coffee particles. Remember to close the spigot to prevent water from leaking out.
  2. Filter: Take a 5-gallon paper filter from Toddy and place it inside the nylon filter.
  3. Fill 2 gallons of coffee grounds into the paper filter, holding the edge down to prevent grounds from spilling out.
  4. Water: Use cold water to fill the bucket. Ensure it is cold to avoid any oils affecting the taste of your coffee. A high-pressure sprayer can ensure the water reaches deep into the coffee grounds.
  5. Secure: Once your bucket is half full, tie off the paper filter with the provided string, folding the top over.
  6. Finish: Continue filling the bucket with cold water until it reaches the desired level.
  7. Wait: Let the mixture sit for approximately 16 to 18 hours, allowing the flavors to develop fully.

After these steps, your nitro cold brew coffee will be ready to extract and enjoy. Remember, practice makes perfect – experiment with different details to find the perfect blend for your taste.

Time For An IT Company That Appreciates Everything About Your Business?

To maintain high energy levels and productivity among IT technicians, offering them Nitro cold brew coffee can be an effective solution. Making Nitro cold brew coffee is simple, and you can make it on your own in just a few steps.

  1. Choose the right coffee roast: Start with the San Francisco roast from a bulk supplier like Costco. Ensure you grind it on a coarse setting.
  2. Prepare the brewing equipment: Use a 5-gallon bucket with a spigot for easy drainage. Place a large nylon filter inside, followed by a 5-gallon paper tote filter.
  3. Measure coffee grounds: You will need 4 pounds (or 2 gallons) of coffee grounds. Pour them into the filter, ensuring the paper filter’s edges are well-sealed.
  4. Add cold water: Fill the brewing bucket with cold water, using a spray to ensure the water reaches deep into the coffee grounds. Make sure the spigot is closed before filling it with water.
  5. Tie off and seal the filter: Once the brewing bucket is full of water, tie off the paper filter using the included string. Then, fold over the nylon filter without sealing it.
  6. Brewing duration: Let the coffee sit for 16 to 18 hours, ensuring all grounds are soaked, and the bucket is filled to the top with water.

By providing your IT technicians with Nitro cold brew coffee, you can demonstrate your appreciation for their hard work in keeping your business IT services running smoothly. The delicious cold brew also helps keep your team energized and focused throughout their busy workdays.

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