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Veteran Tech Leaders Discuss Home Network Security and NSA Guidelines on Veterans Voice Podcast

In the recent episode of the Veterans Voice podcast, two veteran tech industry insiders, Blake Schwank, CEO of Colorado Computer Support, and Terry Bradley from Mile High Cyber, held a candid discussion about the criticality of home network security. As cyber threats evolve and our dependence on the internet heightens, the topic is timely and essential for every individual and family.

Blake Schwank and Terry Bradley represent organizations at the forefront of providing comprehensive IT solutions and cybersecurity services. Their in-depth discussion shed light on the National Security Agency’s (NSA) recent guide to home network security, an essential read for all internet users looking to safeguard their personal and professional data.

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The Growing Threat of Cybersecurity Breaches

With the shift to remote work and the exponential increase in online activities, the vulnerabilities of home networks have become a prime target for malicious cyber actors. Cybersecurity threats are no longer confined to corporations and governments; they’re infiltrating our homes, exposing personal, private, and sensitive information.

Schwank and Bradley reiterated the importance of proactive cybersecurity behaviors, stressing that individuals could become victims if they neglect basic security practices. Ensuring home networks are secure is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

NSA’s Guide: Building a Fortified Home Network

The National Security Agency, recognizing the urgent need to address these threats, has released a detailed guide outlining how to protect home networks effectively. According to Schwank and Bradley, the NSA’s advice is practical and vital for every internet user.

One of the key recommendations of the NSA’s guide is the importance of upgrading and updating all equipment and software routinely, including routing devices. Just like a car requires regular maintenance to run smoothly, our digital devices also need consistent updates to defend against the latest cyber threats.

The NSA guide also emphasizes the importance of secure habits, like regularly backing up your data and disconnecting devices when not in use. It might seem like an inconvenient step, but the reality is that these simple habits can make a significant difference in preventing unauthorized access to your data.

Finally, the NSA guide advises users to limit administration to the internal network only. This means ensuring that only devices within your home network have administrative privileges, preventing potential breaches from outside.

The Role of Everyday Users in Cybersecurity

Schwank and Bradley highlighted the importance of regular users in maintaining cybersecurity. By adhering to the NSA’s guidelines and incorporating these habits into their daily routines, users can create a robust first line of defense against cyber threats.

Moreover, everyone can take part in disseminating this critical information, contributing to the overall cybersecurity awareness in the community. We can collectively create a safer digital environment by educating others on these practices.


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, security threats are no longer distant fears but tangible risks that loom over our daily lives. Blake Schwank and Terry Bradley’s discussion underscores the importance of being aware of these threats and following the guidelines laid out by the NSA to protect our home networks.

As users, it’s crucial to remember that cybersecurity isn’t a one-time solution but requires consistent and mindful practices. We can significantly fortify our home network security by upgrading and updating our devices regularly, practicing secure habits, and limiting administration to our internal networks.

To remember is to be prepared, and as the digital world continues to advance, so must our efforts to maintain the security of our home networks. Let’s not become victims of our negligence but victors in our proactiveness.

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