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IT Infrastructure Inspired by the Calgary +15 System: Underlining the Importance of Professional IT Services for Enhanced Business Connectivity and Cybersecurity

In the heart of Calgary, Alberta, a unique architectural innovation known as the +15 system has emerged as a testament to inventive urban planning. This distinctive network of elevated walkways, situated 15 feet above street level, connects various office buildings across the city’s downtown district. Beyond its architectural brilliance, the +15 system symbolizes resilience, providing Calgarians with a warm, safe passage during the harsh Alberta winters. This innovative structure has inspired an insightful metaphor for establishing secure and interconnected IT systems, promoting efficient commerce and information flow while safeguarding against cyber threats.

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The +15 System: Fostering Business Interconnectivity

Named for its elevation above the street, the +15 system embodies the power of connectivity. Spanning over 18 kilometers, it interconnects nearly 100 buildings in Calgary’s bustling downtown. This intricate network allows for seamless movement between businesses, retail centers, and office spaces without exposure to the elements.

The +15 system exemplifies how efficient resource and information transfer can cultivate a vibrant, interconnected business environment akin to data flow in a well-structured IT infrastructure.

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A Shield Against the Cold: The Protective Role of the +15 System

The +15 system protects Calgarians against the chill of Alberta’s winter, much like robust cybersecurity measures safeguard businesses from the icy grip of cyber-attacks and potential data breaches.

Translating Architectural Lessons to IT Security

Blake Schwank of Colorado Computer Support and Bryan Ferrario from Alliance Technology Partners recently toured the +15 system. They aimed to derive insights from this unique infrastructure and translate them into IT security strategies.

They deduced that a business IT network should emulate the +15 system’s seamless connectivity and resilience. A balanced IT system should facilitate smooth data flow and interconnectivity while offering robust protection against cyber threats.

Implementing the +15 Model in IT Security with Professional IT Services

Drawing from the +15 system, Schwank and Ferrario provided valuable insights into how businesses can bolster IT security.

Firstly, they advise businesses to establish a comprehensive IT system, reflecting the +15 network’s interconnected nature. This system should enable seamless data exchange and communication, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Secondly, like the +15 system’s protection against the cold, businesses must prioritize robust cybersecurity measures to shield themselves from cyber threats, ensuring data safety.

Lastly, they underscore the importance of a proactive approach to IT security. Just as the +15 system is consistently maintained and updated for safety and functionality, businesses must regularly review and upgrade their IT security measures to combat evolving cyber threats.

The Significance of Professional IT Services

Schwank and Ferrario’s advice highlights the critical role of professional IT services in maintaining a secure and efficient IT infrastructure. Employing a professional IT services company, such as Colorado Computer Support or Alliance Technology Partners, goes beyond merely having a tech-savvy individual on board. These companies are part of a larger conglomerate of professional IT companies that regularly meet to exchange insights, provide mutual support, and address collective challenges.

Colorado Computer Support and Alliance Technology Partners have recently concluded two days of extensive meetings involving IT companies across Canada and the United States. These collaborative sessions underscore the value of tapping into a collective knowledge base and expertise in handling IT challenges.

Collaborative Professionalism: The Key to Future-Proof IT Solutions

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses need more than an ad-hoc, reactive approach to their IT needs. This is where professional IT service companies come into the picture. They offer more than just immediate technical assistance; they provide strategic direction, ongoing support, and a wealth of expertise that businesses can tap into to ensure their IT systems are robust, secure, and aligned with their strategic objectives.

Colorado Computer Support and Alliance Technology Partners are at the forefront of such services as part of a larger consortium of professional IT companies. Their recent meetings with IT companies across the United States and Canada underscore the importance of collaboration and continuous learning in this field. By sharing experiences, discussing emerging trends, and brainstorming solutions to everyday challenges, these professionals stay on top of the latest developments and best practices in IT security and infrastructure management.

The Value of a Proactive Approach

A crucial takeaway from these meetings, and indeed from the philosophy embodied by the +15 system, is the importance of a proactive approach. Just as the +15 system is regularly maintained and updated to ensure its safety and functionality, businesses should also prioritize regular audits and updates of their IT systems. This proactive approach helps identify potential vulnerabilities before they become serious threats, ensuring the IT infrastructure remains secure and efficient.

Engaging a professional IT services company can make this process easier and more effective. With their deep understanding of the latest trends and threats in the digital landscape, these professionals can provide valuable advice and assistance in maintaining and improving the business’s IT security.


The +15 system in Calgary is an inspiring model of connectivity and resilience. It offers valuable insights for businesses building a robust, interconnected, secure IT infrastructure. By emulating this system and engaging the services of professional IT companies, businesses can effectively navigate the digital landscape, safeguarding their data while promoting efficiency and growth. The collaborative efforts of Colorado Computer Support, Alliance Technology Partners, and other professional IT companies serve as a testament to the power of collective expertise and continuous learning in this rapidly evolving field.

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